After spending years of reading other people's blogs, having hundreds of hyperlinks to great articles and thousands of "unread articles" - scattered all over Outlook, RSS Bandit and Google Reader, I finally managed to get my own blog up & running !
Well, the final 'push over the edge' is my attendance of this years PDC'08 which I intend try to cover live for family, friends & colleagues. But more on the PDC in a next post.
About me
Tradition (as far as tradition goes in the blogosphere) demands I'll talk a bit of myself first. I'm Sven Degroote, a .Net freelancer in Belgium. My interests are mainly in architecture and agile development.
<MarketingTalk> Professionally I have 8 years of .Net experience (since early beta's, coming from C++), a Master's degree in software engineering, some certificates like MCP,MCAD, MCTS, MCSD.NET and MCPD Enterprise Applications. Besides that I'm a Certified Scrum Master and try to be a Practioner as well - as long as the client permits :) </MarketingTalk>
On a personal note, I'm married and have 2 wonderful kids ( 4 & 6 yrs). I'm sure they'll pop-up here and there in this blog, because they are pretty much the most important thing in my life :)
Another blog ?? But aren't there too much already ?
Yup. That's the whole point ...I can't keep on hyperlinking all those great blogentries, so I set up this personal space as some kind of personal journal throughout my career. It's my strong belief that knowing where to find stuff is just as important as knowing the stuff by heart. So if I pick up nifty tricks along the way, or read good articles, I'll post them here for personal ease of access. And I sincerely hope you can learn from it too. Since that is what this whole blogosphere is about, right ? And if you don't agree, feel free to comment constructive critic.
So, that's it for a first post. Note so self : don't wait another 6 years for the next post !